Galatians 3:8...The scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham.
Abraham was born some 2000 years before the birth of Jesus, so he knew nothing of the gospel, which came into being only after the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord. He could not know how Jesus would come to this earth, but he was saved by the same faith we must have to be saved today.
The righteous live by faith, in the 21st century BC or AD. To live by faith means that we do not demand to know all the details of what God is doing or what the future holds for us. We might like to have a searchlight that would show us what lies miles ahead on the road before us. But God offers instead a light that shines on our path just enough to help us on our step-by-step walk with God.
I read this morning and wanted to share it with you. Fred Davey...Pathways to God..December 21, 2011
Faith in what we cannot see.....keep on believing in our Lord in all things. He is with us always.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
My church saints and I have recently suffered a sad tragedy with the passing of our Pastor's daughter. She was walking and got hit and killed by a car and they drove away. She was 39 years old with 2grown daughters and a young son and younger daughter , a grieving mother and father(our Pastor), sister, aunts, uncles, husband, cousins, co-workers, relatives, and close friends. All who will grieve , cry and never forget. I personally knew Dee. She visited our church several times coming to Florida from her hometown of West Franklin, Illinois. She accepted Jesus as her personal Savior right in our church one Sunday morning. I recall the family rejoicing around the alter. God was good to them that day and the days to follow. It gives the believer comfort knowing that their loved one is now in the arms of Jesus although the earthly human side of us is grief stricken. God's grace will be with them to comfort and guide those who are left to run the race here on earth till Jesus calls them HOME. There will Dee be waiting for her family who know Jesus. Reunited again by the love of Jesus, What comfort knowing you will meet again. Do you know for sure that you are going to
heaven? Accept Jesus as your personal Savior and be sure of it!!! Ask Him into your heart right now. Say this simple prayer...Jesus I know that you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross for me so that I could have life everlasting. I believe you will come again and that you are part of the Trinity, The Father Son and Holy Ghost . Come into my heart....Amen and thank you. If you prayed that prayer contact me through this blog and I will guide you through the best decision of your life you ever have made.......God's GRACE...= God's Riches At Christ's Expense.
heaven? Accept Jesus as your personal Savior and be sure of it!!! Ask Him into your heart right now. Say this simple prayer...Jesus I know that you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross for me so that I could have life everlasting. I believe you will come again and that you are part of the Trinity, The Father Son and Holy Ghost . Come into my heart....Amen and thank you. If you prayed that prayer contact me through this blog and I will guide you through the best decision of your life you ever have made.......God's GRACE...= God's Riches At Christ's Expense.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Well... the Thanksgiving holiday is over and so it begins the hustle bustle of....The Christmas season. We are reminded just why we celebrate this wonderful holiday.....Jesus came into the world to save us from sin. He came as the King of Kings in a lowly manger. Can you imagine Mary, His mother? She did not imagine the birth of her first born to be in a stable. What a great gift. Think of this gift to you that lasts forever. Give your heart to Him this Christmas season and He will give you the gift that keeps on giving!! He wants your fellowship and companionship. Pray the simply prayer and ask Him into your life. You will not be sorry. John 3:16...For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son...Jesus....../
As the saying goes...JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As the saying goes...JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Cast your every care!!!
God's promise.......He is faithful and will take care of you, show you an escape out of a bad situation
or feeling of desparation..
Your job..... Give IT to Him with Praise and thanksgiving!!!!!
Be well and Be blessed I am praying for you and God loves you. Val
or feeling of desparation..
Your job..... Give IT to Him with Praise and thanksgiving!!!!!
Be well and Be blessed I am praying for you and God loves you. Val
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Psalm 103
Psalm 103:1-5.....Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is is within me; Bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgives all you iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.......and so on. This Thanksgiving week this says it all and warrants thanksgiving and praise.
I wish you all a wonderful day of Thanksgiving with your families. Do not forget to give thanks to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Be well and Be blessed, and remember God loves you and will NEVER leave you...Just call on His name . Bring all your requests to Him.
Love, Val
I wish you all a wonderful day of Thanksgiving with your families. Do not forget to give thanks to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Be well and Be blessed, and remember God loves you and will NEVER leave you...Just call on His name . Bring all your requests to Him.
Love, Val
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Spiritual Tips for Recovery
1. Realize that it is time to begin recovery.....Hebrews 3:15
2. Accept that recovery is not over night but a lifetime...Philippians 3:12
3. Pray daily...ask your higher power(Jesus) for strength and protection..Philippians 4:13, Matthew 26:41
4. Read you is God's love letter to you from God
5. Meditate on God's Word..use scripture to fight the fight
6. Go to church every week to worship God and give thanks. Hebrews 10:24-25
7. Talk and share your trials with someone and cast your cares on Jesus...James 5:16
8. Know that God is with you always
9. Depend on Jesus' strength
10.Know that change is possible with the help of God Matthew 19:26
Look up these verses and read them, hide them in your heart, make them part of your life and know that Some one is praying for you and our Lord, Jesus, is right there interceding for you to the Father. Be well and be blessed. Don't give up because all things are possible with God.
Love, Val
2. Accept that recovery is not over night but a lifetime...Philippians 3:12
3. Pray daily...ask your higher power(Jesus) for strength and protection..Philippians 4:13, Matthew 26:41
4. Read you is God's love letter to you from God
5. Meditate on God's Word..use scripture to fight the fight
6. Go to church every week to worship God and give thanks. Hebrews 10:24-25
7. Talk and share your trials with someone and cast your cares on Jesus...James 5:16
8. Know that God is with you always
9. Depend on Jesus' strength
10.Know that change is possible with the help of God Matthew 19:26
Look up these verses and read them, hide them in your heart, make them part of your life and know that Some one is praying for you and our Lord, Jesus, is right there interceding for you to the Father. Be well and be blessed. Don't give up because all things are possible with God.
Love, Val
Monday, November 14, 2011
What are the Don'ts for Deliverance?
My last blog was for those who have addictions. My heart is heavy for you. Here are some "don'ts" if you are in that place and trying to get sober. Know that someone is praying for you for deliverance.
Don't fight addiction on your own. Rely on God and participate in a recovery program. Ecclesiastes 17:9-10.
Don't be blind about your ability to lie to yourself and to others. Ask someone to help you be accountable. Jeremiah 17:9
Don't socialize with those who encourage or tolerate your habit. Make new friendships and helpful habits. I Corinthians 15:33
Don't worry about the future. Walk with God one day at a time. Matthew 6:34
Don't give up if you relapse. It is never too late to get back on track. I John 1:9
Don't be prideful as you succeed in the recovery process. Be grateful for God's grace and power to achieve change. Proverbs 16:18
Don't be surprised at temptation---flee from it. I Corinthians 10:13...When tempted, God will give you a way out if you ask!!.
Tomorrow I will give you spiritual tips for recovery. Know that your family is praying for you and so am I. Be blessed. take the first step and admit you are powerless......turn to God. He will guide you to a joyous life.
Love, val
Author, June Hunt...thank you for your book with Biblical Hope and Practical Help
Don't fight addiction on your own. Rely on God and participate in a recovery program. Ecclesiastes 17:9-10.
Don't be blind about your ability to lie to yourself and to others. Ask someone to help you be accountable. Jeremiah 17:9
Don't socialize with those who encourage or tolerate your habit. Make new friendships and helpful habits. I Corinthians 15:33
Don't worry about the future. Walk with God one day at a time. Matthew 6:34
Don't give up if you relapse. It is never too late to get back on track. I John 1:9
Don't be prideful as you succeed in the recovery process. Be grateful for God's grace and power to achieve change. Proverbs 16:18
Don't be surprised at temptation---flee from it. I Corinthians 10:13...When tempted, God will give you a way out if you ask!!.
Tomorrow I will give you spiritual tips for recovery. Know that your family is praying for you and so am I. Be blessed. take the first step and admit you are powerless......turn to God. He will guide you to a joyous life.
Love, val
Author, June Hunt...thank you for your book with Biblical Hope and Practical Help
Friday, November 11, 2011
My heart is heavy this day for all those people who are addicted to drugs and or alcohol. As a mother of a recovered drug and alcoholic I know the anguish a mother( and other family members) goes through when a child of theirs is addicted and my prayers go out to you and I encourage you to continue to pray and lift that child up to the Lord daily, hour by hour. And if you are a person bound by the evils of addiction I have these words for you today. Question...How can you find deliverance from dependency? By putting one foot in front of the other, turn to God and one day you will find yourself running down the road to transformation in full FREEDOM in Jesus Christ "your higher power" and Savior.
1. Admit to being powerless over your dependency......2 Corinthians 1:9
2. Realize that God who made you has the power to restore you. Psalm 71:20-21
3. Yield your will to the will of the Lord. Matthew 16:24-25
4 .Face reality..face your true self. psalm 139:23-24
5. Admit your struggle with sin, both to God and to some one else. I John 1:8
6. Accept God's help to change your patterns of the past. I Peter 5 :6-7
7. Confess your failings and flaws. Psalm 51:10-12
8. Ask for forgiveness of those you have offended. Matthew 5:23-24
9.Make restitution to those you wronged. Ezekiel 33:15-16
10. Keep a clean slate by acknowledging when you have been wrong. Titus 2:11-12
11. Pray for God's direction for your life. Psalm 25:4-5
12. Reach out to others with your hand and heart. Galatians 6:2
Sound like a 12 step program? WELL IT IS GOD'S program for your life. I will continue on Monday with the "DON'TS" FOR DELIVERANCE. Tune in for the Blessings from God.
Jeff and know who you are. Listen to the voice of God. Deliverance is yours. I pray for you both and all who suffer. Your families love you and are tired of seeing you clinging to the evil side of life. You belong to God and Jesus you Savior.
Be well and Be Blessed today!!
1. Admit to being powerless over your dependency......2 Corinthians 1:9
2. Realize that God who made you has the power to restore you. Psalm 71:20-21
3. Yield your will to the will of the Lord. Matthew 16:24-25
4 .Face reality..face your true self. psalm 139:23-24
5. Admit your struggle with sin, both to God and to some one else. I John 1:8
6. Accept God's help to change your patterns of the past. I Peter 5 :6-7
7. Confess your failings and flaws. Psalm 51:10-12
8. Ask for forgiveness of those you have offended. Matthew 5:23-24
9.Make restitution to those you wronged. Ezekiel 33:15-16
10. Keep a clean slate by acknowledging when you have been wrong. Titus 2:11-12
11. Pray for God's direction for your life. Psalm 25:4-5
12. Reach out to others with your hand and heart. Galatians 6:2
Sound like a 12 step program? WELL IT IS GOD'S program for your life. I will continue on Monday with the "DON'TS" FOR DELIVERANCE. Tune in for the Blessings from God.
Jeff and know who you are. Listen to the voice of God. Deliverance is yours. I pray for you both and all who suffer. Your families love you and are tired of seeing you clinging to the evil side of life. You belong to God and Jesus you Savior.
Be well and Be Blessed today!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Just one scripture
There is only one thing to say today.....memorize this verse in scripture and it is from-
2 Thessalonians 3:3 The Lord is faithful and he will strengthen and protect (me) from the evil one.
Put that in your heart and mind. The evil one is out to kill and destroy.. protect yourself.!!!!
Be well and Be blessed my gorgeous and fabulous women of God.
2 Thessalonians 3:3 The Lord is faithful and he will strengthen and protect (me) from the evil one.
Put that in your heart and mind. The evil one is out to kill and destroy.. protect yourself.!!!!
Be well and Be blessed my gorgeous and fabulous women of God.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Warfare weapons
Good day my fabulous and gorgeous women of God...
Do have on your weapons of warfare to fight the flaming arrows of the evil one?
Each day is a new day and you never know what arrows are coming your way. the devil is out there trying to kill and destroy....NO< NO< NO....not me I have on my armour...Faith and a sword.
The shield of Faith ....Hebrews 11:1.....when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have been given faith to believe. Each day we build on that faith by reading the Word of God...Read it, chew it, swallow it and hold it in your heart. God's promises ....helps develop your faith, acting on God's promises.
The sword of the Spirit..which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6 : 16-17)
One is the weapon of defence and the other a weapon of attack!!!
Develop those weapons and USE them when the enemy comes at you. IT WORKS Glory to God
Bye for now, I love you and so does your Father in Heaven
Do have on your weapons of warfare to fight the flaming arrows of the evil one?
Each day is a new day and you never know what arrows are coming your way. the devil is out there trying to kill and destroy....NO< NO< NO....not me I have on my armour...Faith and a sword.
The shield of Faith ....Hebrews 11:1.....when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have been given faith to believe. Each day we build on that faith by reading the Word of God...Read it, chew it, swallow it and hold it in your heart. God's promises ....helps develop your faith, acting on God's promises.
The sword of the Spirit..which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6 : 16-17)
One is the weapon of defence and the other a weapon of attack!!!
Develop those weapons and USE them when the enemy comes at you. IT WORKS Glory to God
Bye for now, I love you and so does your Father in Heaven
Monday, November 7, 2011
Ephesians 5:20....Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What a wonderful request of our Lord..simply give thanks for all things.....easier said than done.
Think about all God does for us. Shouldn't we be on our knees all day thanking Him? Well we literally don't have to be on our knees but even as we do our daily chores or at our work place or walking down the street.....give thanks and praise. try pleases God the Father.
What a wonderful request of our Lord..simply give thanks for all things.....easier said than done.
Think about all God does for us. Shouldn't we be on our knees all day thanking Him? Well we literally don't have to be on our knees but even as we do our daily chores or at our work place or walking down the street.....give thanks and praise. try pleases God the Father.
Be blessed and be well my fabulous and gorgeous friends.
Love Val
Monday, October 31, 2011
Fear Not!!!!!
Our Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday mornings has been such a blessing to me. I co-lead with a special women of God and good friend, Karen. She lead the study while I was gone up north with my precious grand babies. God has given me a series of teachings to encourage women. Last week we talked about "IS GOD ABLE?" Well I would say so more than we can imagine...Ephesians 3:20 was the key scripture. When facing what seems an impossible situation God will see us through. Read the scripture and place it in your heart and mind to recall in times of desperate situations. This Tuesday's lesson is entitled "When you are in the dark and afraid"...Key scripture is Isaiah 41:10. I encourage you to look it up and place it in your heart. I will leave you with these words by June Hunt..."THE GREATER THE FEAR, THE LESS WE ARE CONTROLLED BY FAITH. THE GREATER OUR FAITH, THE LESS WE ARE CONTROLLED BY FEAR." Which is you?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
What, All and More
Ephesians 3:20.....Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. KJV
WHAT I ask...ALL I ask
MORE than I ask
Immeasurably MORE than ALL I ask
WHAT I can imagine
ALL I can imagine
MORE than I can imagine
Immeasurably MORE than ALL I ask or imagine
WOW>>> that is a great promise of God. Are you Radically Relying on God to be your everything in all situations? I hope so. Don't get in His way, trust Him, let Him achieve in your life what He wants and DO NOT insist on doing it "your way".
Be well and be blessed my gorgeous and fabulous women of God,
Love, Val
Monday, October 24, 2011
Look to Jesus when you are facing what seems an impossible situation. In Exodus 14..Moses and the people of Israel were at the Red Sea with Pharaoh's soldiers gaining on them from the rear...where to go? Impossible situation seemed....Moses cried out to God for help...God delivered and parted the Red Sea so they all could pass. " Radical Reliance" on God. Abraham age 100 and Sarah age 90..were promised a child from God...impossible situation.....they relied on God.."Radical Reliance". The God of impossible situations will give you His guidance when you face a "Red Sea" situation or a , what seems an impossible PROMISE from God as Abraham did....".Radical Reliance on God". He can part your Red Sea and full fill His promise to you...You can scale walls but you need His reached out arm of strength. Call on and rely on Him for everything in your life. Give God the Glory. that's what we were created for ...He knows us best..."Father Knows BEST"
God's blessings and be well my gorgeous good to be home and with you again.
Love, Val
God's blessings and be well my gorgeous good to be home and with you again.
Love, Val
Thursday, September 29, 2011
God's Gifts
Our twins are amazing and I am not just saying that because I am their grandmother. God has given Meghan and Brett the MOST wonderful gift of of two babies and a boy and girl to boot. Jessica is my new girlfriend and we have really bonded. She is all girl at this point. Will sit with you and play, read a book or just enjoy each other. She dances, sings(la la la la ), talks (dabble dabble ) Wish I knew what she was thinking but sometimes I know exactly what she is saying. And there is Jake. the Jakester. ALL BOY and I believe he is soon to test but he has a vocabulary of about 20 words and you only have to show him something once and he can do it.....very active, attached to mommy (but with distraction I can keep him occupied). He truly is a smart cutie BUT alot of work...doesn"t sleep very well either....Jessica loves to sleep...goes in easy for a nap or at bedtime BUT not Jakester....OMGosh... God bless Meghan and Brett, they are well oiled machine with the two of them. What gifts they are. Meghan is a wonderful mother and her heart is caring and loving toward her family. My son, Brett is truly a good man...great husband and good father. I will continue to pray for them as they journey through family-hood.
Well my Fabulous and Gorgeous friends.....Be well and be blessed till we meet in October(18th) .
Love, Val
Well my Fabulous and Gorgeous friends.....Be well and be blessed till we meet in October(18th) .
Love, Val
Monday, September 19, 2011
Good to be back
Finally I am connected again to you. God has been so good during this journey. First we had "IRENE" to re-root us from the beach house to RI. We finally got into the cottage the second week for only 2 days of sun. It rained all the other =days. Gotta love New England.!!!! However, our grandbabies were with us and we had fun. Their first birthday party was on Saturday the 10th of September and we had a good time. Everyone left the cottage Sat night. Dane I relaxed and got ready for him to return to Florida and I went to Connecticut and visited with friends. I also visited my CT church, Calvary Christian Center in New Britain for Wed night service. It was good to see some familiar God"s people. I am going to be speaking in their Women's October meeting. God has given me a great message for them entitled " KEEP WALKING ON THE WATER". I will share it with you at a later time. This past Saturday I traveled to NY to be with my grandbabies and watch them while Meghan(their mommy) is working for a few weeks. OMGosh...they are a hand full but wonderful at the same time. Busy little bees. Nap time now so I have time to talk to ya 'all. I am reminded of the love God has for us all the time. I was sick when I arrived here and didn't know how I was going to do my duties...but I "reached out, asked, believed" and God has answered my pray. I feel good...Praise Him. He is there for us if we just ask and believe and wait for the result.
Well my Fabulous and Gorgeous Women of God....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED.....BE KIND TO SOMEONE TODAY and watch God bless you back. Miss you all~~~
In His Love, Val
Well my Fabulous and Gorgeous Women of God....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED.....BE KIND TO SOMEONE TODAY and watch God bless you back. Miss you all~~~
In His Love, Val
Friday, September 2, 2011
Still no power at the Connecticut shoreline and we have NOT been able to occupy the cottage that we rented for two weeks. We talked to the electric company yesterday and they said possibly Sunday(9/4) at midnight or sometime by Wednesday (9/7)...What a disappointment. I haven't even seen my grand babies. I for sure will be with them Monday night either in NY or at the cottage. We are spending time with our son in Rhode Island where there is power. Speaking of POWER...our Lord died for us and was resurrected on the third day. That same resurrection power is our for the asking.I Peter 1:3....good scripture to put into our mind for keeps...
I love you all today and wish you a wonderful Labor Day rest with your families. I WILL be with mine one place or another. What a vacation...plans all Arie!!!!
I love you all today and wish you a wonderful Labor Day rest with your families. I WILL be with mine one place or another. What a vacation...plans all Arie!!!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Good morning my Fabulous and Gorgeous friends:
Today is day 6 of our vacation and we still have not been able to occupy the cottage at the Ct shoreline because of power outage. Week one of our wonderful time at the beach(that I so love) has been altered. Our son Peter took this week off to be with us at the beach. We have been staying with him in Rhode Island until we can occupy the cottage. The power company says power will be restored by Saturday. Who really knows? GOD does. Our son and daugther-in-law and twins are hoping to arrive at the beach on Saturday as we planned. But again...who knows?...GOD does. All in all so far our vacation has been challenging but the scripture says in Romans 8:28.....And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. The best made plans are sometimes diverted. This is one of those times. I miss you all in Florida but IRENE has rattled a few made plans. The weather, however, has been gorgeous since Irene left the state. Well, that's it for now...Keep in touch and know that I .am thinking of you all.
Love, Val
Today is day 6 of our vacation and we still have not been able to occupy the cottage at the Ct shoreline because of power outage. Week one of our wonderful time at the beach(that I so love) has been altered. Our son Peter took this week off to be with us at the beach. We have been staying with him in Rhode Island until we can occupy the cottage. The power company says power will be restored by Saturday. Who really knows? GOD does. Our son and daugther-in-law and twins are hoping to arrive at the beach on Saturday as we planned. But again...who knows?...GOD does. All in all so far our vacation has been challenging but the scripture says in Romans 8:28.....And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. The best made plans are sometimes diverted. This is one of those times. I miss you all in Florida but IRENE has rattled a few made plans. The weather, however, has been gorgeous since Irene left the state. Well, that's it for now...Keep in touch and know that I .am thinking of you all.
Love, Val
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Names of God`
How do we find out the true nature of God? Or should I say where do we find out? Study the Word of God.. the BIBLE....Have you ever tried to tell a non-believer who God really is? A buddy, friend, faithful companion. Do you portray Him to fit the people around you that you are talking to? Who does God say He is? "I AM WHO I AM"..... He will reveal himself in a variety of ways in the scriptures.. God desires intimacy with us. He is both masculine and feminine, in the Old and New Testaments. His bibilical names are both as well. Let's look at some names. First...ELOHIM...the one True God.. His elevated status above all names. the beginning and the end. The Majestic Ruler over all.. EL-SHADDAI...translated...God Almighty. YAHWEH....the most personal name that God gives Himself. YHWH no evolved into Jehovah. The word Yahweh means LORD!!! Adonai("Lord"). I am the LORD Yahweh...Yahweh is the name God uses when he comes to dwell among his people....ADONAI designates Yahweh as Owner and Master.
ABBA....Father... God is the Father of Jesus and the Father of those who follow Jesus. He is our ABBA.
So you see, God is everything to us.....Elohim to Abba. Praise Him forever.
Lord I want to know you, reveal yourself to me through your Word. Dwell in me, rule over me, your are God Almighty. Elohim, Yahweh, El-Shaddai, Adonai and Abba, Father. I love you and belong to you.
BE WELL AND BE BLESSED my goregous and fabulous women friends of mine. Be kind to somone today and love your Abba Father.
Love, Val
ABBA....Father... God is the Father of Jesus and the Father of those who follow Jesus. He is our ABBA.
So you see, God is everything to us.....Elohim to Abba. Praise Him forever.
Lord I want to know you, reveal yourself to me through your Word. Dwell in me, rule over me, your are God Almighty. Elohim, Yahweh, El-Shaddai, Adonai and Abba, Father. I love you and belong to you.
BE WELL AND BE BLESSED my goregous and fabulous women friends of mine. Be kind to somone today and love your Abba Father.
Love, Val
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
PSALM 138:7......Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me.
WOW..... isn't that a great promise? REACH out for His all we have to do is remember it and use this promise when troubles hit our lives.
It always amazes me when I hear a believer having trouble and they seem so derailed and don't
know what to do....just reach out your hand for HIS hand and hold on. just like Peter in the boat...step out of the boat, keep your eyes on JESUS and walk.....if you loose your focus and start to sink...reach for the hand of JESUS . If you are fighting the enemy...He will stretch out His hand against the wrath.
Thank you Jesus for being there for me ALWAYS....
Though I walk in the midst of trouble..THOU art there.
BE WELL AND BE BLESSED, my friends, my FABULOUS and GORGEOUS friends.
Be kind to someone today and tell them what Psalm 138:7 says. encourage them in the love of God..
Love, Val
WOW..... isn't that a great promise? REACH out for His all we have to do is remember it and use this promise when troubles hit our lives.
It always amazes me when I hear a believer having trouble and they seem so derailed and don't
know what to do....just reach out your hand for HIS hand and hold on. just like Peter in the boat...step out of the boat, keep your eyes on JESUS and walk.....if you loose your focus and start to sink...reach for the hand of JESUS . If you are fighting the enemy...He will stretch out His hand against the wrath.
Thank you Jesus for being there for me ALWAYS....
Though I walk in the midst of trouble..THOU art there.
BE WELL AND BE BLESSED, my friends, my FABULOUS and GORGEOUS friends.
Be kind to someone today and tell them what Psalm 138:7 says. encourage them in the love of God..
Love, Val
Monday, August 15, 2011
Amazing Women Conference
This coming Saturday, August 20th serveal of us are going to Altamonte Springs for a women's conferance. Angla Courte's ministry....continental breakfast, fellowship, praise and worship , fabulous music, an interview with Claude Bower, a mighty man of God and owner of the SUPER CHANNEL tv station in Orlando. I promise you a blessing. COME WORSHIP with hundreds of amazing women , you won't be disappointed. The time is 9-12 or 12:30 Depending on how the Holy Spirit moves......we will leave Leesburg at 8am we can carpool if you want....Call me is you are interested in attending. You will need to register on line and I can do that for you if you don't have a PC..IT'S FREE admission. An offering is taken though. JUST come and receive a blessing.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
It is essential to be with other Christians. We encourage each other, help, pray with, laugh with, because we are like-minded, we follow Christ.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. For we are members of His body, of His Flesh and of His Bones."
Ephesians 5:2,19,10
That's how we should be with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. We live in this world but we are not of this world...We belong to Jesus.
Be kind to someone today.....fellowship we other Christians and bring Jesus to the world around you.
Love, Val
It is essential to be with other Christians. We encourage each other, help, pray with, laugh with, because we are like-minded, we follow Christ.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. For we are members of His body, of His Flesh and of His Bones."
Ephesians 5:2,19,10
That's how we should be with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. We live in this world but we are not of this world...We belong to Jesus.
Be kind to someone today.....fellowship we other Christians and bring Jesus to the world around you.
Love, Val
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I don't think we could never be discouraged again ...impossible. Life just is not like that...We strive to be uplifted each day, but circumstances arise that gets us down. the key is NOT to let the circumstances rob us of our joy in Christ.
Isaiah 51:11....."So the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. they shall obtain joy and gladness; sorrow and sighing shall FLEE away.
I love that scripture....sorrow and sighing shall FLEE away....Yeahhhhh!!!! Bye bye sorrow, my Jesus has taken it away...sing praises....
OTHER scriptures for you to look up and meditate on when discouraged.
I Peter 1:6-9, Philippians 4:6-8, Psalm 138:7, John 14:1, 14:27, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, Hebrews 10:35-36, galatians 6:9, Psalm 31:24 and Psalm 27:1-14
Isaiah 51:11....."So the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. they shall obtain joy and gladness; sorrow and sighing shall FLEE away.
I love that scripture....sorrow and sighing shall FLEE away....Yeahhhhh!!!! Bye bye sorrow, my Jesus has taken it away...sing praises....
OTHER scriptures for you to look up and meditate on when discouraged.
I Peter 1:6-9, Philippians 4:6-8, Psalm 138:7, John 14:1, 14:27, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, Hebrews 10:35-36, galatians 6:9, Psalm 31:24 and Psalm 27:1-14
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Good Morning
Today is SLCCs women's Bible study.......WISH YOU WERE ALL HERE!!!!
Lysa TerKeurst's study ...entitled WHEN WOMEN SAY YES TO GOD....a DVD and workbook study.
I love her teachings...she is so down to earth. tells it like it is.
Go to her web site and get her amazing books to read if you can not be at the study.
Love, Val
Lysa TerKeurst's study ...entitled WHEN WOMEN SAY YES TO GOD....a DVD and workbook study.
I love her teachings...she is so down to earth. tells it like it is.
Go to her web site and get her amazing books to read if you can not be at the study.
Love, Val
Monday, August 8, 2011
Ask for it!!!!!!
REVELATION......not the book but the knowledge of God
Pray for revelation...that God would reveal in a mighty way.. His Word. All the reading of the Bible, going to church week after week, going to Bible study after Bible study and all of a sudden YOU WILL GAIN the REVELATION...NOW I GET IT!!!! What a glorious day when that happens. It is real...Ask for it... OH GOD< give to me your knowledge and let me hear and learn and know it in my heart.
Love, Val
Pray for revelation...that God would reveal in a mighty way.. His Word. All the reading of the Bible, going to church week after week, going to Bible study after Bible study and all of a sudden YOU WILL GAIN the REVELATION...NOW I GET IT!!!! What a glorious day when that happens. It is real...Ask for it... OH GOD< give to me your knowledge and let me hear and learn and know it in my heart.
Love, Val
Friday, August 5, 2011
A Real Relationship with God
by Joyce MeyerWhen you think of religion, what comes to your mind—a set of rules, regulations and obligations or a deep, intimate relationship with God?
I like to consider myself someone who has a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I believe He died so we could have a living, vital relationship with God, not just a bunch of rules and regulations we're forced to follow.
Yes, there are certain guidelines God wants us to follow, but His purpose in giving them is to protect us from the consequences of sin.
When we have a real relationship with God through Christ, life gets exciting because He stirs up a passion inside us to love people—and we don't have to struggle to do the things He calls us to do. It just happens naturally.

God is not impressed with your works at all. What He cares about is your heart.
I believe the greatest thing God wants to hear from us is, "I love You, Lord. Thank You for everything You've done in my life. I want to do what's right. Keep teaching me."
Many of us don't pray and ask God for what we need because we don't think we have a right to ask. But the Bible says God wants us to learn how to receive His mercy.
Hebrews 4:15 says we have a High Priest, a perfect Savior, who understands our weaknesses. He's been tempted just like we are, yet He never sinned.
Verse 16 says we can come fearlessly and confidently before God in prayer to receive His mercy and be forgiven.
We shouldn't be making up religious rules to live by, like having to read our Bible every single day; nor should we do whatever we want to because we know we're going to heaven when we die.
Christianity is about living a vibrant, exciting life in Christ, and it goes hand in hand with developing a personal relationship with Him. Jesus wants us to be in love with Him.
It took some things like that to shock me into the realization that I was just holding on to a religious attitude, when God wanted us to freshen up our look in order to reach more people.
Sure, it's good to dress nicely when we go to church. But the bottom line is, we shouldn't be so focused on our outward appearance that we lose sight of our main goal: developing a close, personal relationship with God.
Knowing God loves us, loving Him, spending time with Him, and being grateful for what He's done and is doing in our lives can help us have a real relationship with Him.
I like to consider myself someone who has a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I believe He died so we could have a living, vital relationship with God, not just a bunch of rules and regulations we're forced to follow.
Yes, there are certain guidelines God wants us to follow, but His purpose in giving them is to protect us from the consequences of sin.
When we have a real relationship with God through Christ, life gets exciting because He stirs up a passion inside us to love people—and we don't have to struggle to do the things He calls us to do. It just happens naturally.
God Is Not Mad at You
If there's one thing people need to hear over and over again, it's this: God loves you. That's all there is to it. He may not like everything you do, but He's never going to stop loving you.God is not impressed with your works at all. What He cares about is your heart.
I believe the greatest thing God wants to hear from us is, "I love You, Lord. Thank You for everything You've done in my life. I want to do what's right. Keep teaching me."
Many of us don't pray and ask God for what we need because we don't think we have a right to ask. But the Bible says God wants us to learn how to receive His mercy.
Hebrews 4:15 says we have a High Priest, a perfect Savior, who understands our weaknesses. He's been tempted just like we are, yet He never sinned.
Verse 16 says we can come fearlessly and confidently before God in prayer to receive His mercy and be forgiven.
New Creature, New Features
"Legally" you become a Christian when you make the decision to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. And after you receive Him, God begins to change you into a brand-new creation.We shouldn't be making up religious rules to live by, like having to read our Bible every single day; nor should we do whatever we want to because we know we're going to heaven when we die.
Christianity is about living a vibrant, exciting life in Christ, and it goes hand in hand with developing a personal relationship with Him. Jesus wants us to be in love with Him.
Know What Really Matters
I was thinking one day about how judgmental I used to be about the way some people dressed. Not long ago, I might have thought that I couldn't wear jeans and teach, but my son said to me, "Do you really think that God anoints polyester more than denim?"It took some things like that to shock me into the realization that I was just holding on to a religious attitude, when God wanted us to freshen up our look in order to reach more people.
Sure, it's good to dress nicely when we go to church. But the bottom line is, we shouldn't be so focused on our outward appearance that we lose sight of our main goal: developing a close, personal relationship with God.
Living Your Life with God
God wants to be involved in everything we do. He wants us to fellowship with Him, which means communicating with Him throughout our day just like we do with someone who's our close friend or family member.Knowing God loves us, loving Him, spending time with Him, and being grateful for what He's done and is doing in our lives can help us have a real relationship with Him.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Jesus is your Forgiveness!!!!!!
Jesus is your Savior, Lord, Love and your Peace....He is your forgiveness...There is nothing that you bring to Jesus that He won't FORGIVE.....Thank you for that.
When you were a child, were you ever afraid to go your parents and ask for forgiveness? Maybe it was something you did and you knew they were going to be upset with you. I can remember in my teen years being so afraid to ask for forgiveness for involving my father in a situation(not to mention)....I was up in my bedroom and I could hear my father yelling with frustration in his voice at the situation and wondering how it happened. I remained in my room ...sooooo scared but offered no answers to him. The next morning I was asked if I knew anything.....I said "no". Oh my...days went by and I was ridden with shame....I finally got the nerve up to face my Dad and confess my involvement. We talked and he forgave me, but not without correctness. Our heavenly Father is always there for us and because of His son Jesus dying on the cross and baring all our sins, we can go to Him ANYTIME and ask for forgiveness. He will forgive and forget!! Isn't that fabulous? And forget!!! WOW forget......
Here are some scriptures that promise us God's forgiveness...take time to look them up and put them in your heart. My favorite promise is this...Hebrews 8:12...."For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."
Others to ponder on: Mark 11:25, Isaiah 43:25, 1:18, 55:7, I John1:9, Colossian 3:13, and Jeremiah 13:8.
There is something healing about FORGIVENESS....if you hold something against some one it will eat at you....forgive them.... just as Jesus forgave you and remembers no more!!!!
Love, Val
When you were a child, were you ever afraid to go your parents and ask for forgiveness? Maybe it was something you did and you knew they were going to be upset with you. I can remember in my teen years being so afraid to ask for forgiveness for involving my father in a situation(not to mention)....I was up in my bedroom and I could hear my father yelling with frustration in his voice at the situation and wondering how it happened. I remained in my room ...sooooo scared but offered no answers to him. The next morning I was asked if I knew anything.....I said "no". Oh my...days went by and I was ridden with shame....I finally got the nerve up to face my Dad and confess my involvement. We talked and he forgave me, but not without correctness. Our heavenly Father is always there for us and because of His son Jesus dying on the cross and baring all our sins, we can go to Him ANYTIME and ask for forgiveness. He will forgive and forget!! Isn't that fabulous? And forget!!! WOW forget......
Here are some scriptures that promise us God's forgiveness...take time to look them up and put them in your heart. My favorite promise is this...Hebrews 8:12...."For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."
Others to ponder on: Mark 11:25, Isaiah 43:25, 1:18, 55:7, I John1:9, Colossian 3:13, and Jeremiah 13:8.
There is something healing about FORGIVENESS....if you hold something against some one it will eat at you....forgive them.... just as Jesus forgave you and remembers no more!!!!
Love, Val
Monday, August 1, 2011
God's Promises For Your Every Need!!!
Good morning my fabulous and gorgeous women:
I trust your weekend was restful. This past Sunday(yesterday) Pastor Cathy preached a powerful message of GOD supplies our EVERY need. I am going to continue that message with the Promises of GOD for you.
The first being....JESUS IS YOUR...... SAVIOR...Is He yours?
I trust you all have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior....If you have not done that, these promises will mean nothing to you. Open up your heart and ask Jesus to come in; if you believe He is the son of God, , was crucified, died for our sins and on the third day He arose from the dead, then you are saved. If you believe what I just said..and you confessed it with your mouth....Jesus has come into your heart and life. Praise God!!!! Contact me and I will direct you and pray with you.
NOW....Jesus is your can now rely on His promises.
Titus 3:3-6......."Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR. NKJV(New King James Version)
Look up the following scriptures to see God's Word of promise to you that Jesus is the Savior!!!
John 3:16...Luke 1:47...1John 4:14...John 4:42b, 6:47...Luke 19:10...Romans 3:24-25, 10:9...
Ephesians2:8-9...2Corinthians 5:17...2Timothy 1:8b-9..and Psalm 106:8
Praise His Holy name....Stand on the promises of God.
Talk to tomorrow and bring to you more promises, there are over 3000 promises in the Bible....WOW!.....Jesus is your Lord , Love and your peace!!! Stay tuned for more tomorrow.
Until then...BE WELL AND BE BLESSED and remember who loves you...GOD does..and me too!!
Love, Val
I trust your weekend was restful. This past Sunday(yesterday) Pastor Cathy preached a powerful message of GOD supplies our EVERY need. I am going to continue that message with the Promises of GOD for you.
The first being....JESUS IS YOUR...... SAVIOR...Is He yours?
I trust you all have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior....If you have not done that, these promises will mean nothing to you. Open up your heart and ask Jesus to come in; if you believe He is the son of God, , was crucified, died for our sins and on the third day He arose from the dead, then you are saved. If you believe what I just said..and you confessed it with your mouth....Jesus has come into your heart and life. Praise God!!!! Contact me and I will direct you and pray with you.
NOW....Jesus is your can now rely on His promises.
Titus 3:3-6......."Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR. NKJV(New King James Version)
Look up the following scriptures to see God's Word of promise to you that Jesus is the Savior!!!
John 3:16...Luke 1:47...1John 4:14...John 4:42b, 6:47...Luke 19:10...Romans 3:24-25, 10:9...
Ephesians2:8-9...2Corinthians 5:17...2Timothy 1:8b-9..and Psalm 106:8
Praise His Holy name....Stand on the promises of God.
Talk to tomorrow and bring to you more promises, there are over 3000 promises in the Bible....WOW!.....Jesus is your Lord , Love and your peace!!! Stay tuned for more tomorrow.
Until then...BE WELL AND BE BLESSED and remember who loves you...GOD does..and me too!!
Love, Val
Friday, July 29, 2011
This coming Tuesday, August 2, 2011 Ladies Bible study will resume at 10am in Kufeldt Hall. ALL are welcome...bring a friend.
This will be a six week teaching entitled "WHEN WOMEN SAY YES TO GOD" with Lysa Terkeurst's DVD. First session is..."THE POWER OF ONE".
We loved the last lesson. DVD, with her and trust you will love this one too.
See you books will be available for purchase. Not sure of the price, but around $12. I will also have copies of the lesson if you can not afford or want the book. Glory to God...I have missed Bible study and ya "all.
This will be a six week teaching entitled "WHEN WOMEN SAY YES TO GOD" with Lysa Terkeurst's DVD. First session is..."THE POWER OF ONE".
We loved the last lesson. DVD, with her and trust you will love this one too.
See you books will be available for purchase. Not sure of the price, but around $12. I will also have copies of the lesson if you can not afford or want the book. Glory to God...I have missed Bible study and ya "all.
YES>>>thank God its Friday..even though I am not a working gal out there in the work force. I am, however, a working gal for God and that is hard work and takes long hours. Thank you Jesus for trusting me with your precious WORD to teach. Last night I attended my first "church counsel meeting" to introduce my ministry, WINGS. They received it with open arms...Praise God. How I prayed...They gave me their blessings... so OFF we go with WINGS as eagles Isaiah 40:31. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. Hold on, my friend, Lisa, here we go!!!!! Thank you God. Also be looking for SLCC website under construction. SOOOOO exciting. God is good.. ya He is.. all the time!!!!
Our Pastor is on a much needed vacation..God bless you Pastor...enjoy your time off and with your family up north...God put your angels around the plane and SMOOTH flying and return to us RENEWED!!!! We love you.
Short message today my gorgeous and fabulous women.....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED and remember who loves you....GOD does and me too. Be kind to someone today.
Love, Val
Our Pastor is on a much needed vacation..God bless you Pastor...enjoy your time off and with your family up north...God put your angels around the plane and SMOOTH flying and return to us RENEWED!!!! We love you.
Short message today my gorgeous and fabulous women.....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED and remember who loves you....GOD does and me too. Be kind to someone today.
Love, Val
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Have you been praying for your loved ones, especially for the salvation of your children?
Psalm 78:4....We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.
My children are grown now but we raised them in the ways of the Lord. Some how when they reach college age and into their 20s they stray, much to the sadness of parents. Why? We then begin the daily prays to our Lord for their return OR for their salvation. Days, weeks, months and even years go answer. We must in addition to our prayers live the life in Jesus so that THEY can see. THEY ARE WATCHING!!
Psalm 71:18 says....."Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, will I declare the power to the next generation."
You see, God's timing is not our timing. Don't ya just want it now? We live in an instant society and we loose focus if it does not happen when we want it to happen...BUT patient, keep sending those prayers for your children up to Heaven and ask God to answer in our time here on earth so we can see it. You might not see the answer so be faithful. Great is God's faithfulness. fabulous and gorgeous friends....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED and remember who loves you GOD...and me too. Be kind to someone today.
Love, Val
Psalm 78:4....We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.
My children are grown now but we raised them in the ways of the Lord. Some how when they reach college age and into their 20s they stray, much to the sadness of parents. Why? We then begin the daily prays to our Lord for their return OR for their salvation. Days, weeks, months and even years go answer. We must in addition to our prayers live the life in Jesus so that THEY can see. THEY ARE WATCHING!!
Psalm 71:18 says....."Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, will I declare the power to the next generation."
You see, God's timing is not our timing. Don't ya just want it now? We live in an instant society and we loose focus if it does not happen when we want it to happen...BUT patient, keep sending those prayers for your children up to Heaven and ask God to answer in our time here on earth so we can see it. You might not see the answer so be faithful. Great is God's faithfulness. fabulous and gorgeous friends....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED and remember who loves you GOD...and me too. Be kind to someone today.
Love, Val
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Don't quit, and Don't give up!!!!!
Good morning all you fabulous and gorgeous women,
I was reading this morning in Mark 5 about the woman who was healed of the issue of blood after 12 years of suffering. She had seen many doctors and suffered many things, and spent all her money hoping to to get some relief, but nothing was better and got worse. She heard that Jesus was in town and said... "If only I could touch His garment I surely would be healed". She pressed towards Him and touched His clothes. Now Jesus was surrounded by many people , the Bible says they THRONGED him...meaning they all pressed around him, all touching Him. BUT, Jesus felt her touch out of all those surrounding Him and said WHO TOUCHED ME?.....He said it again..>WHO TOUCHED ME? He looked around to see her. He felt the touch and the power of His self heal her. The woman (verse 33)fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him the truth. Jesus said to her(verse 34).."Daughter, thy FAITH hath made you whole; go in peace, and be whole of the plague." WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how she must have felt. Why did Jesus heal her? She believed Jesus..she trusted Him. and she did not give up!!
Oh God wouldn't do that for me, we say!!! Doubt creeps in(and we know where that comes from..the devil) to kill and destroy.... The Word of God is powerful....speak it and come against the devil. There is power in the "mouth". Step out in faith and stand on the promises of God. DRIVE doubt out by saying I BELIEVE that God will do exactly what He says He will do!!!! Heal in the name of Jesus. Jesus' stripes proves that> Glory to God. makes me shout JOY and GLORY!!!!!! It happened in my own life. Over 38 years I prayed for my husband to be healed of pain. I did not quit and in June, 2011 GOD healed him. Glory and praise. That is a story in its self for some day.
Release your faith by SAYING, PRAYING AND DOING. It works!!!
BE WELL AND BE BLESSED today and remember who loves you...GOD does and me too.
Reach out and touch some one today with God's love.
I was reading this morning in Mark 5 about the woman who was healed of the issue of blood after 12 years of suffering. She had seen many doctors and suffered many things, and spent all her money hoping to to get some relief, but nothing was better and got worse. She heard that Jesus was in town and said... "If only I could touch His garment I surely would be healed". She pressed towards Him and touched His clothes. Now Jesus was surrounded by many people , the Bible says they THRONGED him...meaning they all pressed around him, all touching Him. BUT, Jesus felt her touch out of all those surrounding Him and said WHO TOUCHED ME?.....He said it again..>WHO TOUCHED ME? He looked around to see her. He felt the touch and the power of His self heal her. The woman (verse 33)fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him the truth. Jesus said to her(verse 34).."Daughter, thy FAITH hath made you whole; go in peace, and be whole of the plague." WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how she must have felt. Why did Jesus heal her? She believed Jesus..she trusted Him. and she did not give up!!
Oh God wouldn't do that for me, we say!!! Doubt creeps in(and we know where that comes from..the devil) to kill and destroy.... The Word of God is powerful....speak it and come against the devil. There is power in the "mouth". Step out in faith and stand on the promises of God. DRIVE doubt out by saying I BELIEVE that God will do exactly what He says He will do!!!! Heal in the name of Jesus. Jesus' stripes proves that> Glory to God. makes me shout JOY and GLORY!!!!!! It happened in my own life. Over 38 years I prayed for my husband to be healed of pain. I did not quit and in June, 2011 GOD healed him. Glory and praise. That is a story in its self for some day.
Release your faith by SAYING, PRAYING AND DOING. It works!!!
BE WELL AND BE BLESSED today and remember who loves you...GOD does and me too.
Reach out and touch some one today with God's love.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Romans 8:35-37....."Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." NO, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loves us."
WOW!!! more than conquerors.....are you more than a conqueror? We have already defeated the devil.
Don't be afraid of bad news or sadness that comes your way. We can overcome THROUGH CHRIST!! The key word is through....we go through it with Jesus...we are not suck there or never coming out ...we are going THROUGH the situation. Praise God, glory to Him. Don't be suck in grief, illness, sadness, or a bad it out, pray it through and trust in our Lord....oh how glorious is He. He will see you through....TRUST and BELIEF!!!!!!!
I want to remind you that on August 2, 2011 we will resume our Tuesday's Gods Handmaiden's, Ladies Bible study in Kufeldt Hall beginning at 10am. It will be Lysa Terkeurst's DVD teaching on
"WHEN WOMEN SAY YES TO GOD"....It is a 6 week series. Workbooks will be available for purchase...I believe for the cost is between 10 and 12 dollars...I will let you know for sure.
Beginning in September we will be joined by mothers from the Leesburg area that are homeschoolers...they will come to our study group with their children that will have their own Bible study taught by one of the mothers who has volunteered. This will be a wonderful time to reach out to our be looking forward to and praying for this out reach of SLCC.
So my fabulous, gorgeous women of God....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED today and remember who loves you....GOD and me too.
OHHHH OHHHHH...we welcome home .... Karen Boram...So glad you are home.. our friend!!!
Love, Val
WOW!!! more than conquerors.....are you more than a conqueror? We have already defeated the devil.
Don't be afraid of bad news or sadness that comes your way. We can overcome THROUGH CHRIST!! The key word is through....we go through it with Jesus...we are not suck there or never coming out ...we are going THROUGH the situation. Praise God, glory to Him. Don't be suck in grief, illness, sadness, or a bad it out, pray it through and trust in our Lord....oh how glorious is He. He will see you through....TRUST and BELIEF!!!!!!!
I want to remind you that on August 2, 2011 we will resume our Tuesday's Gods Handmaiden's, Ladies Bible study in Kufeldt Hall beginning at 10am. It will be Lysa Terkeurst's DVD teaching on
"WHEN WOMEN SAY YES TO GOD"....It is a 6 week series. Workbooks will be available for purchase...I believe for the cost is between 10 and 12 dollars...I will let you know for sure.
Beginning in September we will be joined by mothers from the Leesburg area that are homeschoolers...they will come to our study group with their children that will have their own Bible study taught by one of the mothers who has volunteered. This will be a wonderful time to reach out to our be looking forward to and praying for this out reach of SLCC.
So my fabulous, gorgeous women of God....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED today and remember who loves you....GOD and me too.
OHHHH OHHHHH...we welcome home .... Karen Boram...So glad you are home.. our friend!!!
Love, Val
Saturday, July 23, 2011
It's the weekend and want to REST after five days of VBS.....Rest in the Lord. While in His rest I am going to mow the lawn....before it gets to HOT. Heard from my friend Karen Boram and she and David are in the car on their way back to us here in Leesburg and Tavares. I have missed her so. She leaves her family with tears and sadness but is anxious to return to their home here. SLCC has missed her and David so much. As she helped her mother settle a few issues she now can feel that she did her best as the daughter. Oh the passages we women go through in our lives. thank you Jesus for your forever LOVE and guidance. WELL>>>> you fabulous and gorgeous women....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED and have a wonderful weekend with your families. Go to church Sunday and worship our risen Savior, be kind to someone today and I will talk to you Monday.
OH my youngest son, Peter got engaged last night to a wonderful girl, Chrissy. We love her and welcome her into the Russo family. Pray for them and wish them blessings as they begin the journey of engagement one of my favorite times in my life.... RIGHT GIRLS?
Love, Val
Love Val
OH my youngest son, Peter got engaged last night to a wonderful girl, Chrissy. We love her and welcome her into the Russo family. Pray for them and wish them blessings as they begin the journey of engagement one of my favorite times in my life.... RIGHT GIRLS?
Love, Val
Love Val
Friday, July 22, 2011
Lord, I trust you for the strength I need!!!
Judges 6:14....The Lord turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have....Am I not sending you?"
In today's message from "Pathways To God", is the story of Gideon and the Lord telling him to go and save the Israelites. Gideon said I am weak and not of favor in my family, how can I do this?
Are there times in your life when God has told you to do something and you think you do not have the strength to do it? I am sure all of us have said that. BUT GOD will not send you if He doesn't have the faith in you to perform the task. As the scripture says..GO IN THE STRENGTH YOU HAVE> You might get in the middle of the task and run out of steam...God will be there to give you strength to carry on. If He is sending can achieve!! Listen to the voice of God!!
For my life there have been times when I heard God telling me to do something and I thought it is impossible. Now... I can do one of two things....I can ignore the command(not a good idea) or I can step out on faith and believe I can ....God is with me always. The results will bless you!!!
Let's talk about dream vs. vision....I believe that dreams are our own, in our minds....visions, I believe come from God. Understand? Your vision will dictate your purpose and direction in life. Does that make sense? I have dreams of a great future but God has given a vision for ministry to women. He is directing my paths and hopefully my dreams will come true....I know if I follow and trust in His wisdom and strength ...His vision for me will become my vision and my dreams can come true.
LORD, I trust you for the strength I need, in Jesus' name.
Well my fabulous and gorgeous friends....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED....reach out to another women today....bless her and you will be blessed!!!!!!
Love, Val
In today's message from "Pathways To God", is the story of Gideon and the Lord telling him to go and save the Israelites. Gideon said I am weak and not of favor in my family, how can I do this?
Are there times in your life when God has told you to do something and you think you do not have the strength to do it? I am sure all of us have said that. BUT GOD will not send you if He doesn't have the faith in you to perform the task. As the scripture says..GO IN THE STRENGTH YOU HAVE> You might get in the middle of the task and run out of steam...God will be there to give you strength to carry on. If He is sending can achieve!! Listen to the voice of God!!
For my life there have been times when I heard God telling me to do something and I thought it is impossible. Now... I can do one of two things....I can ignore the command(not a good idea) or I can step out on faith and believe I can ....God is with me always. The results will bless you!!!
Let's talk about dream vs. vision....I believe that dreams are our own, in our minds....visions, I believe come from God. Understand? Your vision will dictate your purpose and direction in life. Does that make sense? I have dreams of a great future but God has given a vision for ministry to women. He is directing my paths and hopefully my dreams will come true....I know if I follow and trust in His wisdom and strength ...His vision for me will become my vision and my dreams can come true.
LORD, I trust you for the strength I need, in Jesus' name.
Well my fabulous and gorgeous friends....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED....reach out to another women today....bless her and you will be blessed!!!!!!
Love, Val
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Psalm 13...Call, Pray, Turn to God
First of all I want to tell you that last night at our 4th night at VBS,,,,,,over 11 young people gave their heart to JESUS during the nights activities and end of the night alter invitation!!!!!!!! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!! The saints in heaven are rejoicing still this morning as we speak. Thank you Lord for your unmerciful grace. Continue to pray for these precious young ones as they begin their walk with Jesus for the enemy will try to kill, destruct and destroy their commitment.
Today's lesson:
Recently this week I talked about not hearing from God for a few days. I said BE STILL and know He is there with you even if you can't hear His voice. This morning I was led to read Psalm 13. AMAZING how God works. Verses 1-2 is the CALL to the Lord..David is calling out to verses 3-4 David is PRAYING "Hear me , oh Lord, lighten my eyes...." and in verses 5-6 David TURNS to God and rejoices.
When you are in need or in a dark place...CALL upon our Lord....get into your prayer room and may not get an immediate answer...and then SING your praises to the almighty God..." I will sing unto the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me."
WOW....what a day, Ladies BE WELL AND BE BLESSED my fabulous, gorgeous women and be kind to someone today and watch God bless you. Don't always look to be be a blessing to someone else and WATCH what happens and remember who loves you...GOD and me too!!!!
Forever praying for you, Val
Today's lesson:
Recently this week I talked about not hearing from God for a few days. I said BE STILL and know He is there with you even if you can't hear His voice. This morning I was led to read Psalm 13. AMAZING how God works. Verses 1-2 is the CALL to the Lord..David is calling out to verses 3-4 David is PRAYING "Hear me , oh Lord, lighten my eyes...." and in verses 5-6 David TURNS to God and rejoices.
When you are in need or in a dark place...CALL upon our Lord....get into your prayer room and may not get an immediate answer...and then SING your praises to the almighty God..." I will sing unto the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me."
WOW....what a day, Ladies BE WELL AND BE BLESSED my fabulous, gorgeous women and be kind to someone today and watch God bless you. Don't always look to be be a blessing to someone else and WATCH what happens and remember who loves you...GOD and me too!!!!
Forever praying for you, Val
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Well we are into day four of vacation Bible school....what a blessing ...AND WHAT A LOT OF WORK!!!! I wish I were in my 30s again....Thank God I don't work each day and then arrive at VBS with more energy to 70-80 wonderful kids.. praising the Lord and learning about Jesus. I was assigned to the Pre-schoolers.. we have 11 3-4 year olds. Are they CUTE> and so open to the activities. They are exhausting also. I have been with this age group for three years and it is so nice to see the older ones who started with us still come to VBS. We are praying for new families to be part of Silver Lake. Lisa is doing a great job directing VBS. The Pre-schoolers are blessed and under the direction of Miss Pat Flynn. She is anointed by God and loves the little ones with all her heart. Thank you Miss Pat for your leading. She understands those "tike's" like know one I have ever seen. Praise God.
Well my fabulous, gorgeous ladies....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED today!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Val
Well my fabulous, gorgeous ladies....BE WELL AND BE BLESSED today!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Val
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Be Still and know that I am GOD
Have you ever been in a place where you don't hear from God? I am sure everyone gets into that place. God is right with us, Never forsaking or leaving us. But how come I can't hear His voice?..WELL....STOP>>>BE STILL and listen. Pray and ask God to speak to you. Get into the Word, BE STILL....He is there....Say to yourself many times a day ..."Your will be done not mine!!!"
Until we meet again.....Be Well and Be Blessed my fabulous, gorgeous friends!!!
Love, Val
Psalm 46:10a..."Be still and know that I am Lord"
Until we meet again.....Be Well and Be Blessed my fabulous, gorgeous friends!!!
Love, Val
Psalm 46:10a..."Be still and know that I am Lord"
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Beginning tonight, July 17, 2011 at 6pm will be PANDAMONIA.....children ages 3-11 will go on an adventure with Panda bears to see what God has in store for them. What an exciting time a SLCC. Our chairperson, Lisa has done an amazing job with help from Candy and other wonderful staff. THANKS GUYS> Register your child tonight at 5:45 and pick them up at 8:45 renewed and energized.
Pray for the staff for their STRENGTH to endure.
I will talk to you after Thursday night(if I survive) hehe!!!
God's blessings for children to be saved and fall in love with Jesus!!!! Thanks to Pastor Jack!!! love him
Pray for the staff for their STRENGTH to endure.
I will talk to you after Thursday night(if I survive) hehe!!!
God's blessings for children to be saved and fall in love with Jesus!!!! Thanks to Pastor Jack!!! love him
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Psalm 136:1-3
Psalm 136: 1-3...."O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good :for His mercy endureth forever." Oh give thanks unto the God of gods; for His mercy endureth forever. O give thanks unto the Lord ; for His mercy endureth forever."
Praise the Lord. what a wonderful it all in prayer. Worship our Lord today with all your heart, give Him thanks for all He does for you. Give thanks for answered prayers. His love endures forever. Thank Him today. Be kind to the people you live with. Peace!!!!
Be Well and Be Blessed!!!!
Praise the Lord. what a wonderful it all in prayer. Worship our Lord today with all your heart, give Him thanks for all He does for you. Give thanks for answered prayers. His love endures forever. Thank Him today. Be kind to the people you live with. Peace!!!!
Be Well and Be Blessed!!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Prayer needed
My friend and sister in the Lord, Lisa, needs prayer today as she meets with the surgeons about her back. God give her guidance and wisdom to make the right decisions. We love you Lisa. Jesus is with you. Glory to God!!!!!
Lisa is a partner in WINGS ministry with FLY>>> a children's ministry. Her work with young people has been blessed and anointed by God. It is growing. If you feel it in your heart and God is leading you to help her OBEY the feelings. Thank you to Chris and Ronnie and others who are helping her. She needs her strength and well being.. God grant her that through the power of the risen Lord!
Lisa is a partner in WINGS ministry with FLY>>> a children's ministry. Her work with young people has been blessed and anointed by God. It is growing. If you feel it in your heart and God is leading you to help her OBEY the feelings. Thank you to Chris and Ronnie and others who are helping her. She needs her strength and well being.. God grant her that through the power of the risen Lord!
Find The True meaning By Asking
Yesterday I gave you some hints as to how to have an effective Bible Study...Pray, take notes, keep a spiritual diary...etc. today lets talk about finding the true meaning of the scripture you just read. ASK:
1. What is the subject of this passage?
2. Who are the persons revealed? Who is speaking?
3. What is the key verse of the passage read?
4. What does the passage say about JESUS?
5. Are there sins for me to confess and forsake?
6. What is God commanding me to obey?
7. Is there a promise for me to believe?
8. Are there instructions for me to follow?
9. Is there a prayer I should pray?
Write these questions down and as you read a chapter or two: ask these questions? I promise you it will help you understand. After all our goal is to GET TO KNOW GOD better.
As I get older it becomes harder to memorize and recall scripture. I understand that. However, try to memorize a verse a day. Place it in your heart and read it over again. Psalms 119:11 says.."The word have I hid in mine heart, that I may not sin against thee." Hide it in your heart and mind so that when you come against the enemy you can fight it with the WORD of God. That's how Jesus fought the devil while in the desert... with scripture. The Word is powerful.
FINALLY: Obey the Word of God....2Timothy 3:16 says...."All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
Thank you for "tuning" in to this site and I thank God for His leading.
Be kind to someone today and take Jesus with you where ever you go!!
Love, Val
1. What is the subject of this passage?
2. Who are the persons revealed? Who is speaking?
3. What is the key verse of the passage read?
4. What does the passage say about JESUS?
5. Are there sins for me to confess and forsake?
6. What is God commanding me to obey?
7. Is there a promise for me to believe?
8. Are there instructions for me to follow?
9. Is there a prayer I should pray?
Write these questions down and as you read a chapter or two: ask these questions? I promise you it will help you understand. After all our goal is to GET TO KNOW GOD better.
As I get older it becomes harder to memorize and recall scripture. I understand that. However, try to memorize a verse a day. Place it in your heart and read it over again. Psalms 119:11 says.."The word have I hid in mine heart, that I may not sin against thee." Hide it in your heart and mind so that when you come against the enemy you can fight it with the WORD of God. That's how Jesus fought the devil while in the desert... with scripture. The Word is powerful.
FINALLY: Obey the Word of God....2Timothy 3:16 says...."All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
Thank you for "tuning" in to this site and I thank God for His leading.
Be kind to someone today and take Jesus with you where ever you go!!
Love, Val
Monday, July 11, 2011
Have you ever wondered why your prayer time with God is not effective? Don't know just how to pray, time in prayer is not all it can be? In the next few days I will be sharing some great tips that have helped me with my devotional time with our Lord and Savior.
2Timothy 2:15......."Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Present yourself a Workman who does not need to be ashamed and correctly handles the the word of truth. How we read the Word, digest it, and what we do with it.
I will give you some steps to take to make your time with God more effective.
A. Begin with prayer....Psalm 119:18, John 16:13-15 Briefly saying.. take the Word into your heart.
God will show you the truth...ALWAYS... He will show you the truth!!!!!
B. Take notes...of what you have them down...writing down the words will help you remember the scripture. Read the Bible passage through slowly once silently, and them read it again aloud.
C. Keep a spiritual diary
That is what I have for you today...tomorrow I will help you through your Bible Study...find the true meaning of asking.
Until we meet again...BE WELL AND BE BLESSED. Be kind to someone today and Praise the Lord every minute of the day.
2Timothy 2:15......."Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Present yourself a Workman who does not need to be ashamed and correctly handles the the word of truth. How we read the Word, digest it, and what we do with it.
I will give you some steps to take to make your time with God more effective.
A. Begin with prayer....Psalm 119:18, John 16:13-15 Briefly saying.. take the Word into your heart.
God will show you the truth...ALWAYS... He will show you the truth!!!!!
B. Take notes...of what you have them down...writing down the words will help you remember the scripture. Read the Bible passage through slowly once silently, and them read it again aloud.
C. Keep a spiritual diary
That is what I have for you today...tomorrow I will help you through your Bible Study...find the true meaning of asking.
Until we meet again...BE WELL AND BE BLESSED. Be kind to someone today and Praise the Lord every minute of the day.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Is what God asks to BIG for me?
Hearing the voice of God comes from knowing Him. As I said the Bible daily, talk to God all the time and pray without ceasing. Practice, practice, practice. What if the answer you are waiting for is too big to do? What if what I'm hearing from God is beyond me? Only by god's Divine intervention can it happen. Not by our power or strength. We'll give God all the glory!!!!! Sayings like; " I can't, I'm a fool, I'm not smart enough" are not the right reactions...We need to turn those sayings into: GOD CAN, GOD TRUSTS ME, AND GOD KNOWS I CAN HANDLE THE TASK!!!!!!! I always liked the saying: "GOD WILL ONLY GIVE ME WHAT I CAN HANDLE, BUT DOES HE HAVE TO TRUST ME SO MUCH?" Yes He does trust you and He will be with you all the way through the task at hand. Holy Spirit fall down on me!!!!!!Fall sown on YOU!!!! I pray.
Ask yourself these five questions according to scripture......look up and read them.. It is a starting place in your walk with God. the more you practice listening for God's voice, the more it becomes a natural part of your daily life. It will be pleasing to God.
Philippians 1:9....John 15:8..2Thessalonians 1:3....2Peter 1:5 and 1Thessalonians 4:1
All you fabulous women have a wonderful weekend and remember who loves you...GOD and me too!
Be Well and Be Blessed.............................val
Ask yourself these five questions according to scripture......look up and read them.. It is a starting place in your walk with God. the more you practice listening for God's voice, the more it becomes a natural part of your daily life. It will be pleasing to God.
Philippians 1:9....John 15:8..2Thessalonians 1:3....2Peter 1:5 and 1Thessalonians 4:1
All you fabulous women have a wonderful weekend and remember who loves you...GOD and me too!
Be Well and Be Blessed.............................val
Thursday, July 7, 2011
On the path to knowing that I hear God's voice
Good morning to all you Fabulous women. As we continue to study about hearing God's voice, we have asked does it line up with scripture and is it consistant with God's character?. We know by reading the Word, digesting it and meditating on that Word we will get closer to God and know Him better. Today we look into getting confirmations that God is speaking to you. We are God's children and as a child knows its parent voice and listens.. so we will know God's voice. We also get confirmation through other messages. Bible studies, sermons, TV preaching or a friend in the Lord giving you confirmation. John 10:3-4 says...".The watchmen opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice."
What does this mean?.....Jesus opens the gate for us to have direct communication with God and we listen to his voice. God calls us, speaks to us personally and provides direction...Jesus goes ahead of us always interceding on our behalf and if we have spent time with God(in prayer) WE WILL KNOW HIS VOICE.
Ladies...know your Savior....your life will change forever. Give Him thanks and praise every waking minute in every circumstance. He will never leave you. He is by your side. Praise God!!!!!
Tomarrow we will conclude this lesson and see what is beyond you and how it pleases God. Now...share God's love with someone today. BE WELL AND BE BLESSED!!! Val
What does this mean?.....Jesus opens the gate for us to have direct communication with God and we listen to his voice. God calls us, speaks to us personally and provides direction...Jesus goes ahead of us always interceding on our behalf and if we have spent time with God(in prayer) WE WILL KNOW HIS VOICE.
Ladies...know your Savior....your life will change forever. Give Him thanks and praise every waking minute in every circumstance. He will never leave you. He is by your side. Praise God!!!!!
Tomarrow we will conclude this lesson and see what is beyond you and how it pleases God. Now...share God's love with someone today. BE WELL AND BE BLESSED!!! Val
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
If there are women in the Leesburg Florida area who live with a Veteran who has been diagnosed with PTSD and would be interested in joining a support group please e-mail me for details...The only group I know of is up in Gainesville or Tampa/St Pete area.....quite far. The group will be Christian based....I have had 38 years of experience living with my husband and PTSD....God has seen me through the hard long journey and I can share and help you. Contact me at Pray about it and lets get together. Be Well and Be Blessed Val
Knowing Gods voice
Yesterday I began a little study on "do you know and hear the voice of God? Last night I was with believers in a discipleship class and we were talking about hearing God's voice. I said in my post yesterday that it is almost never audible...I was not entirely right. Several members in the group have "heard" God's audible voice. Praise God for that. I can only teach what I know through my experiences. I know God's still small voice and it is in my heart of hearts. So...with that...this is what I want you to know today...Romans 12:2 ..."And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect , will of God." We can only know the voice of God if we know His character and that comes by studying the Word> digest it, chew it and put it in your heart and mind forever and when you need to hear the voice of God you will know it because you know the character of God. Praise His name. Have a wonderful day and walk in the love of Jesus. BE WELL AND BE BLESSED women in Gods service(WINGS). until tomorrow.....I love you and so does God. Val
This July 16th, Saturday .....come with us to Altamonte Hilton to THE AMAZING WOMEN MONTHLY CONFERENCE. IT IS A WONDERFUL TIME WITH OTHER WOMEN WHO LOVE THE LORD. You can register FREE...of at Amazing I know you will be blessed.
This July 16th, Saturday .....come with us to Altamonte Hilton to THE AMAZING WOMEN MONTHLY CONFERENCE. IT IS A WONDERFUL TIME WITH OTHER WOMEN WHO LOVE THE LORD. You can register FREE...of at Amazing I know you will be blessed.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Do you know and hear God's voice?
Today's scripture is JOSHUA 24:24
.....".the Lord our God we will serve, and His voice we will obey"
In the next few days I will be talking about how to know and hear the voice of God. It most always is not audible but as you get closer to God and grow in the knowledge of Him you will just know it in your heart. To begin: in your prayer time with our still and know that He is God....ask Him to reveal Himself to you.....WAIT, BE will know in your heart the "voice:. It takes practice and practice ... read the WORD and talk to Him..TRY IT....It works and joy will come!!! Have a blessed well and be blessed....share your blessing with others today.
.....".the Lord our God we will serve, and His voice we will obey"
In the next few days I will be talking about how to know and hear the voice of God. It most always is not audible but as you get closer to God and grow in the knowledge of Him you will just know it in your heart. To begin: in your prayer time with our still and know that He is God....ask Him to reveal Himself to you.....WAIT, BE will know in your heart the "voice:. It takes practice and practice ... read the WORD and talk to Him..TRY IT....It works and joy will come!!! Have a blessed well and be blessed....share your blessing with others today.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The beginning of a new!
Women of all ages and in different stages of life need guidence , support and the power of the Holy Spirit. To simplfy it WE ALL NEED JESUS> Our outreach has no boundries. We desire to empower all women through trust and belief in God's Word, regardless of your circumstances. We are here for you. If you are a mother with school age children we have a spin off of WINGS called FLY. You can get to it for guidence and or prayer by logging on to http.// Lisa will help you.
I am there for you for prayer. Send your pray requests and I will get in touch with you. During my daily devotions and time with our Lord I will surly send your prayers up.
I am there for you for prayer. Send your pray requests and I will get in touch with you. During my daily devotions and time with our Lord I will surly send your prayers up.
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