Yesterday I gave you some hints as to how to have an effective Bible Study...Pray, take notes, keep a spiritual diary...etc. today lets talk about finding the true meaning of the scripture you just read. ASK:
1. What is the subject of this passage?
2. Who are the persons revealed? Who is speaking?
3. What is the key verse of the passage read?
4. What does the passage say about JESUS?
5. Are there sins for me to confess and forsake?
6. What is God commanding me to obey?
7. Is there a promise for me to believe?
8. Are there instructions for me to follow?
9. Is there a prayer I should pray?
Write these questions down and as you read a chapter or two: ask these questions? I promise you it will help you understand. After all our goal is to GET TO KNOW GOD better.
As I get older it becomes harder to memorize and recall scripture. I understand that. However, try to memorize a verse a day. Place it in your heart and read it over again. Psalms 119:11 says.."The word have I hid in mine heart, that I may not sin against thee." Hide it in your heart and mind so that when you come against the enemy you can fight it with the WORD of God. That's how Jesus fought the devil while in the desert... with scripture. The Word is powerful.
FINALLY: Obey the Word of God....2Timothy 3:16 says...."All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
Thank you for "tuning" in to this site and I thank God for His leading.
Be kind to someone today and take Jesus with you where ever you go!!
Love, Val
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