Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Do you know and hear God's voice?

Today's scripture is JOSHUA 24:24
.....".the Lord our God we will serve, and His voice we will obey"
In the next few days I will be talking about how to know and hear the voice of God.  It most always is not audible but as you get closer to God and grow in the knowledge of Him you will just know it in your heart.  To begin:  in your prayer time with our Lord....be still and know that He is God....ask Him to reveal Himself to you.....WAIT, BE STILL......you will know in your heart the "voice:.  It takes practice and practice ... read the WORD and talk to Him..TRY IT....It works and joy will come!!!  Have a blessed day...Ladies.....be well and be blessed....share your blessing with others today.

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