Thursday, September 29, 2011

God's Gifts

Our twins are amazing and I am not just saying that because I am their grandmother.  God has given Meghan and Brett the MOST wonderful gift of of two babies and a boy and girl to boot.  Jessica is my new girlfriend and we have really bonded.  She is all girl at this point.  Will sit with you and play, read a book or just enjoy each other.  She dances, sings(la la la la ), talks (dabble dabble )  Wish I knew what she was thinking but sometimes I know exactly what she is saying.  And there is Jake. the Jakester.  ALL BOY and I believe he is soon to test but he has a vocabulary of about 20 words and you only have to show him something once and he can do it.....very active, attached to mommy (but with distraction I can keep him occupied).  He truly is a smart cutie  BUT alot of work...doesn"t sleep very well either....Jessica loves to sleep...goes in easy for a nap or at bedtime  BUT not Jakester....OMGosh...  God bless Meghan and Brett, they are well oiled machine with the two of them.  What gifts they are.  Meghan is a wonderful mother and her heart is caring and loving toward her family.  My son, Brett is truly a good man...great husband and good father.  I will continue to pray for them as they journey through family-hood.

Well my Fabulous and Gorgeous friends.....Be well and be blessed till we meet in October(18th) .

Love, Val

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