Friday, November 11, 2011


My heart is heavy this day for all those people who are addicted to drugs and or alcohol.  As a mother of a recovered drug and alcoholic I know the anguish a mother( and other family members) goes through when a child of theirs is addicted and my prayers go out to you and I encourage you to continue to pray and lift that child up to the Lord daily, hour by hour.  And if you are a person bound by the evils of addiction I have these words for you today.  Question...How can you find deliverance from dependency?   By putting one foot in front of the other, turn to God and one day you will find yourself running down the road to transformation in full FREEDOM in Jesus Christ "your higher power" and Savior.
1. Admit to being powerless over your dependency......2 Corinthians 1:9
2. Realize that God who made you has the power to restore you.   Psalm 71:20-21
3. Yield your will to the will of the Lord.   Matthew 16:24-25
4 .Face reality..face your true self.    psalm 139:23-24
5. Admit your struggle with sin, both to God and to some one else.   I John 1:8
6. Accept God's help to change your patterns of the past.    I Peter 5 :6-7
7. Confess your failings and flaws.   Psalm 51:10-12
8. Ask for forgiveness of those you have offended.   Matthew 5:23-24
9.Make restitution to those you wronged.   Ezekiel 33:15-16
10. Keep a clean slate by acknowledging when you have been wrong.   Titus 2:11-12
11. Pray for God's direction for your life.    Psalm 25:4-5
12. Reach out to others with your hand and heart.  Galatians 6:2
Sound like a 12 step program?   WELL IT IS GOD'S program for your life.  I will continue on Monday with the "DON'TS" FOR DELIVERANCE.  Tune in for the Blessings from God.

Jeff and know who you are.  Listen to the voice of God.  Deliverance is yours.  I pray for you both and all who suffer.  Your families love you and are tired of seeing you clinging to the evil side of life.  You belong to God and Jesus you Savior.

Be well and Be Blessed today!!


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