Thursday, March 1, 2012

Time to see!!!

I have been waiting with anticipation to have my first eye done for cataract surgery.  Well yesterday was the day.  It all went well and no pain or discomfort.  The only thing is that one has been done and the other eye still needs glasses.  So I am "off balance".  One eye open and one eye closed.  I want everything to be right instantly.  Isn't that true of most of us in today's society?  Instant everything....BUT my Lord used it to get my attention and slow me down.  Can't read or watch TV ye,t so I am forced to spend quiet time with my Lord.  Longer hours than usual.  What a blessing...Be still and know that He is Lord.  And He is.....Time to pray and focus on the things of God.  Thank you Jesus for the doctors' hands that did the delegate surgery of cutting the "fogged" lens out and replacing it with a good one.  Lord, give me the time for my body to get used to the new lens and in that time I can draw near to you.

God's blessings to you all,

Love, Val