Wednesday, December 21, 2011

God's light shines on one step at a time!!!

Galatians 3:8...The scripture foresaw  that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham.

Abraham was born some 2000 years before the birth of Jesus, so he knew nothing of the gospel, which came into being only after the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord.  He could not know how Jesus would come to this earth, but he was saved by the same faith we must have to be saved today.

The righteous live by faith, in the 21st century BC or AD.  To live by faith means that we do not demand to know all the details of what God is doing or what the future holds for us.  We might like to have a searchlight that would show us what lies miles ahead on the road before us.  But God offers instead a light that shines on our path just enough to help us on our step-by-step walk with God.

I read this morning and wanted to share it with you.  Fred Davey...Pathways to God..December 21, 2011

Faith in what we cannot see.....keep on believing in our Lord in all things.  He is with us always.

Monday, December 12, 2011


My church saints and I have recently suffered a sad tragedy with the passing of our Pastor's daughter.  She was walking and got hit and killed by a car and they drove away.  She was 39 years old with 2grown daughters and a young son and younger daughter , a grieving mother and father(our Pastor), sister, aunts, uncles, husband, cousins, co-workers, relatives, and close friends.  All who will grieve , cry and never forget.  I personally knew Dee.  She visited our church several times coming to Florida from her hometown of West Franklin, Illinois.  She accepted Jesus as her personal Savior right in our church one Sunday morning.  I recall the family rejoicing around the alter.  God was good to them that day and the days to follow.  It gives the believer comfort knowing that their loved one is now in the arms of Jesus although the earthly human side of us is grief stricken.  God's grace will be with them to comfort and guide those who are left to run the race here on earth till Jesus calls them HOME.  There will Dee be waiting for her family who know Jesus.  Reunited again by the love of Jesus,  What comfort knowing you will meet again.  Do you know for sure that you are going to
 heaven?  Accept Jesus as your personal Savior and be sure of it!!!  Ask Him into your heart right now.  Say this simple prayer...Jesus I know that you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross for me so that I could have life everlasting.  I believe you will come again  and that you are part of the Trinity, The Father Son and Holy Ghost .  Come into my heart....Amen and thank you.   If you prayed that prayer contact me through this blog and I will guide you through the best decision of your life you ever have made.......God's GRACE...=   God's Riches At Christ's Expense.