Thursday, March 1, 2012

Time to see!!!

I have been waiting with anticipation to have my first eye done for cataract surgery.  Well yesterday was the day.  It all went well and no pain or discomfort.  The only thing is that one has been done and the other eye still needs glasses.  So I am "off balance".  One eye open and one eye closed.  I want everything to be right instantly.  Isn't that true of most of us in today's society?  Instant everything....BUT my Lord used it to get my attention and slow me down.  Can't read or watch TV ye,t so I am forced to spend quiet time with my Lord.  Longer hours than usual.  What a blessing...Be still and know that He is Lord.  And He is.....Time to pray and focus on the things of God.  Thank you Jesus for the doctors' hands that did the delegate surgery of cutting the "fogged" lens out and replacing it with a good one.  Lord, give me the time for my body to get used to the new lens and in that time I can draw near to you.

God's blessings to you all,

Love, Val

Monday, February 20, 2012

Thank you Lord!!

God is so good...ya He is is , all the time.  Every day I thank God for waking up and for the beautiful air we breathe, for my family and friends.  He gives me people to pray for every day.  What a privilege.  Oh how I want more of Him.  Sweet, sweet Jesus.  I have experienced "freedom" from the burdens of my life in a profound way.  I have been a mother for 48 years to three wonderful sons who have my heart.  My oldest has many challenges with mental and physical illnesses.  For the past 12 years I have enabled him to be ill and have tried to fix him.  I CAN'T.  God has told me to "let go" and let Him do the work..  I will always be his mother and love him and be there in time of need but God has a plan and is in control of his life.  He loves the Lord but I see him not doing what I think he should be doing to grow in the Lord.  Who am I to try and direct his path?  I can't...Stop trying to tell him how to feel, what to do, and dropping everything at his beckon call.  I can't.  God is the author of his life, not me.  When my boys were young I would tell them, "mommy will not be standing by your side when you meet your maker, you need to develop your own relationship with Him".  I didn't practice that with this son.  Motherhood is not an easy journey.  BUT Praise His Holy name...I was set free.  I give all to Him at the feet of the cross.  It is His burden not mine.  He died for me that day on calvary and for that I am grateful....I encourage you to go to the cross with your burdens and leave them there.  Jesus will take them.  Keep your eyes on the Savior and He will direct YOUR paths.

I love you in Christ's name,


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Living Room Intimacy vs. Kitchen Service

We are in the middle of a wonderful Women's Bible Study from Joanna Weavers' book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.  It is the best study for sorting out our priorities as women.  We all know the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)...Jesus and his followers came to their home during their travels for food and rest.  Martha was busy cleaning and cooking(in the Kitchen) and serving all those that were there while her sister Mary was in the "living room" sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to His every word.  Martha was upset that her sister was not helping and went to Jesus and said in verse 40.."Lord don't you care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me."  And what was Jesus' reply?  Verse 41-42.."Martha , Martha you are worried about many things.  But only one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen the good thing which will not be taken away from her."  The better thing in our lives is to be at the feet of Jesus.  Not to say that serving others is not important.  Jesus was not correcting Martha's actions but her attitude.

Ecclesiastes 9:10...says " Whatever your hand finds to do, so it with all your might."   Whatever you do do it as unto the Lord.

Ladies...Get out of the "kitchen" and into the "living room".  Think about this.  It's not the action but the attitude.  Jesus wants us do to others through him.  We are His disciples here on earth.  Others MUST see Jesus in us.  Filled up and "sticking out all over".

Have a blessed day and be well my pretty ladies.
